Only Mine Chocolates Box Review

Only Mine Chocolates




Pack size






Overall Thoughts



  • Beautiful!
  • Tasty
  • Well Packaged
  • Interesting Flavours


  • Slightly Expensive

Do you love a good choccy? Ones made in Australia with handmade love and care? I do, and this box of chocolates is easily the most beautiful thing ive ever seen!

Seems like almost a shame to eat them as they look more like a work of art than something you would eat! Have you ever seen chocolates with this much colour a pizzazz? I sure haven’t!

And this is far from your standard box of roses chocolates, with Only mine you get to custom build the whole box, with whatever chocolates you like best! Available in different sizes too from a 5 pack to a 60 pack, the choice is yours!

If your buying these as a gift you can add a beautiful free gift note to the purchase in the cart and have the chocolates shipped directly to the recipient.

There are dark chocolates, milk chocolates and white chocolates available and they come in a colourful array of choices and flavours.

My favourite would have to be the orange dark chocolates one, I’m usually a big milk choc fan, but these were honestly to die for!

The milk cookies and cream was far from your normal cookies and cream flavour, it felt more luxurious than that.

The salted lime had such a flavour pop and was really delicious too!

The raspberry had a genuine taste that you just cant get with other brand chocolates.

I found the dried apple and cinnamon a bit dry but full of flavour! almost to cinnamony for my liking.

With sooo many options to choose from i suggest you try out a box of Only Mine chocolates for yourself and find your own favourite flavours today!

Prices range from $11 for a 5 pack upto $120 for a 60 pack! But you get the quality you pay for

See my video below to see what a box of Only Mine Chocolates looks like


4 Comments Add yours

  1. Morris says:

    Droooool, is this even food??? get in my belly

  2. Linda says:

    I was so glad to find you through Google. This is the perfect gift for my mother in law who has eveything!

  3. JapanEcig says:

    First of all let me tell you, you have got a great blog .I am interested in getting a review done on our ecig product? can that e arranged?

  4. Haylee says:

    OMG chocolate heaven right there!

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